Yesterday, Facebook provided me with this memory:
My comment when I shared it: "Narrator voice: She never went back..."In other words, it's two years to the day since I last worked in an office building full-time.
A lot has changed since then -- and yet, a lot hasn't changed. We're still dealing with the virus, although now we have tools to battle it: vaccines to prevent it and medications that have been proven to make breakthrough cases less severe (unlike the quack "cures" that have been promoted in certain quarters -- worming treatment for horses? Seriously?). We also know more now about how the virus doesn't spread. For one thing, it doesn't live long enough on surfaces to do much damage. (Hint: You can quit wiping down your groceries with disinfectant, if you're even still doing that.) Transmission, we know now, is typically airborne, which means good ventilation is key -- and yes, masks work.
Something else that hasn't changed: The pandemic is still being politicized. Probably the most recent incident is the "people's convoy" making a daily nuisance of itself around the Capital Beltway in Washington, DC. They're supposedly protesting mask mandates -- which, by the way, have been rolled back in virtually every state now that omicron's on the wane. The protest was doomed to fail from the start anyway; the organizers hoped to block several lanes and slow traffic to 45 miles per hour. Little did they know that you're lucky to get up to 45 miles per hour on the Beltway on a weekday. Now, after several days of driving around DC, some of the participants are getting frustrated by regular drivers giving them the finger and cutting them off. I have a suggestion for them: Go home. The Beltway always wins.
On a serious note, we have a new thing to worry about: Russia's invasion of Ukraine, and whether Russian President Putin is crazy enough to, say, fire off any nuclear weapons. The West, led by US President Biden, has avoided direct intervention to keep from giving Putin an excuse to push the button. But human rights advocate and former chess grandmaster Garry Kasparov tweeted a chilling comment the other day:
Putin will escalate every time. It's his only strategy. He will escalate if you intervene and save Ukraine and escalate if you don't. So you must reduce his capacity to do harm.
— Garry Kasparov (@Kasparov63) March 11, 2022
It's starting to feel like World War III is coming, whether we want it to or not. In fact, it may already have begun.
These moments of bloggy reflection have been brought to you, as a public service, by Lynne Cantwell. Get vaxxed! And have a sunflower or ten thousand.
I can't remember ever being so afraid of what might happen in the world as I am now. I can't wrap my head around the fact that one crazy man is being allowed to murder so many innocent people. And I know there will be those who point out Syria and Afghanistan and Israel and Palestine, and they have valid points, but the news and messages out of Ukraine seem so immediate and, care I say it, close to home? Putin really is crazy enough to set off nuclear weapons.Someone needs to take him out...before he takes us all out.
I agree. Here's hoping it's someone in Russia so it can't be blamed on the US.
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