~Magickal Graphics~
Happy bloggiversary to me,
Happy bloggiversary to me!
Is it "bloggiversary" or "bloggoversary"? Hmm...pretty sure the Oxford Dictionary hasn't picked this one up yet.
Regardless, hearth/myth turned two on Friday. The photo seems appropriate for a two-year-old, don't you think?
It is customary (as in: this is what I did last year) to take stock of where we are today, compared to where we were a year ago. So: this week last year, I was about to unleash Fissured upon an unsuspecting public, and I hadn't even begun writing Tapped yet.
Today, of course, all five books of the Pipe Women Chronicles have been released, and I'm starting work on the next series in Naomi's universe -- Land, Sea, Sky. Here's a fun fact about the Pipe Woman Chronicles: During the free promotions I ran for the books this summer, Tapped blew all the others out of the water with 4,249 downloads worldwide. Next was Seized with 1,936 downloads; then Annealed (1,685), Fissured (1,453) and Gravid (1,372). If you assume the download numbers are based in large part on cover appeal, you can extrapolate that glowy wolves beat out flaming birds, and white buffalo are the least appealing.
I'm still on the staff at Indies Unlimited, and my work has been featured in a couple of their publications this year -- including the terrific First Chapters, which, if you haven't picked up a copy yet, you should. I've also started doing LynneQuisitions, my interviews of big and biggish names in indie publishing, which is a lot of fun and lets me pretend to be a reporter again.
Alas, the Indie Exchange has morphed yet again, and I have lost track of it. But I've been kicking up my involvement with BookGoodies. Look for more on that over the next few months.
In the awards department, Seized got a little attention from both Big Al's Books and Pals Reader's Choice Awards and the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award. And I picked up a couple of wins in the weekly flash fiction contests at Indies Unlimited. I'm planning to devote a page at the new website to my flash fiction entries, so that they don't get lost in the shuffle.
And -- how could I forget? -- I started Rursday Reads in January. I've had at least one author get excited to be a Rursday -- go figure!
For the coming year: Look for a Pipe Woman Chronicles omnibus e-book by Yule, as well as (fingers crossed!) the first book in the Land, Sea, Sky series. Past that, who knows? I guess we'll all find out together, won't we?
This bloggiversary moment is brought to you, as a public service, by Lynne Cantwell.
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