So much for posting once a week. Sorry about
that. I've gotten so wrapped in writing this year's NaNoWriMo novel
that I've neglected just about everything else -- including the blog.
But the end is in sight; there's light at the end
of the tunnel and I'm hoping it's not an oncoming train.
But really, I ought to get some kind of pass for
having written nearly 47,000 words in just three weeks. Yes, that's
right, it's not even Thanksgiving yet and I am within shouting distance
of the NaNo winner's circle. If I had only started
my writing career sooner, and been able to keep up this pace, I could
have been another Joyce Carol Oates. Output-wise, at least.
Okay, I'll stop patting myself on the back now,
lest I break my arm and miss the deadline, after all. ("I coulda been a
I am trying my hand at urban fantasy this time.
It's a little different than the previous two books in that the details
need to be not just plausible, but anchored pretty firmly in reality.
I'm doing a lot more googling with this one
than I have with the previous books. It doesn't help that I picked, as
the main setting, a place I haven't lived in for more than ten years.
(All I can say is: thank the gods for Google Earth! What did we do
before the intarwebz, anyway? I'll tell you
what we did: we lived in ignorance and fear, that's what we did. Mark
my words, someday the pre-intarwebz era will be known as the New Dark
Also, unlike SwanSong and The Maidens' War,
this book is not modeled, either in whole or in part, on a myth or
legend. That's scary in one way -- I had to write a story arc because
there was no existing framework to hang
my plot on. But in another way, it's freeing. This story is all
mine. I can do whatever I want with it, muahaha. (I actually found
myself grinning the other day because I'd realized that this book
doesn't have to end tragically!)
And it's easier to write because I don't have to
weigh whether to invent a new noun for every stinkin' thing. I don't
have to worry about what this fictional culture would call a cassava
melon, for example; they would call it a cassava
melon. (Not that there are any cassava melons in the book. Let alone
any that are integral to the plot.
Anyway, rest assured that I haven't forgotten about
this blog. I promise I'll be back on track, writing once a week, from
here on out. And look for the new book (whose name I promise to post
just as soon as I figure out what it is…) from
yer major intarwebz booksellers sometime in spring 2012.
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